Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ok...its really really starting to look like a house!! One day our home...and your home away from home! Here are a couple of pictures to see where we are!

This trip went soooo fast, um, I am on a first name basis with at least 4 people at HOME DEPOT and i know the phone number by heart!! Sooo scary! Quartz counter tops are out (boo hoo)! Picked out some granito (en espanol)! Tiles, borders, more tile, railings, windows, paint inside and out. They're in the primer mode so hopefully next week we'll get to see the actual color....BLUE!! So stay tuned! Hope to see you all down there...although not at the same time!! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. hey, looks real nice!
    . .and the roof deck is definitely a key feature gonna have go on a night time tree removal mission to improve on the view for the surf cam.


...say what??!!