Friday, March 13, 2009


OK... 10 months to get to this point and this is Seans' pride and joy! He chose the windows, the colors of the tint on the windows and the same with the door...and i have to say i was a bit hesitant on the color choices of both the framing and tint...

This is before
installation... obviously! And, I was still a bit unsure of the color...

This was after installation and i have to say i spent alot of time worrying about nothing!! Looks pretty The spiral staircase still has to be painted and that too will be the color of the house so it will all blend.

If you look closely along the top (or if you click on the pic it enlarges) of the wall you can see the outline of the paint. The blue with the brown against it, is just truly amazing!But this is the best part!! And Sean baby, you did a DANG GOOD JOB!!

1 comment:

...say what??!!